e martë, 31 korrik 2007
Liz Kuball, blog
Its so great to have friends in the photo blog world, like Liz Kuball, below, who I found out has a blog as well, here. Check it out!
Showcase: Liz Kuball
Liz has had her work published on both Jen Bekman's Hey Hot Shot! blog, and the Humble Arts Foundation group show (#16),. (Detroit based photographer Elizabeth Wight was also in a Humble Arts group show, its worth checking out!). Liz has a statement with the rest of the work from this series entitled "In store", and an additional series at her site here. Although Liz now lives in Southern California, she was raised in Michigan.

e hënë, 30 korrik 2007
Summer in Detroit and Bill Rauhauser
It's hot in Detroit this week, blazing hot. I got to thinking about summer in Detroit, and I remembered all the great work Bill Rauhauser did on classic Detroit locations during the summer, ie Boblo, Belle Isle, Drive-ins and the State Fair. Rauhauser is a great Detroit photography hero and his images portray Detroit and its people in such an honest, fair and beautiful way. He is a great person for White Wall to look up to, and in this case, reference. There is a great little bio on him here, with a sample of his work.

Ingmar Bergman
The Swedish director passed away over the weekend at 89. There is a great article at the NY Times here.

e premte, 27 korrik 2007
Interesting read @ The Detroiter
The Detroiter has an interesting article about Detroit art spaces; history, location, etc...Check it out here
Showcase: John Beavers
As previously mentioned, Harry Callahan is being featured at the MoCP, for the show Relative Closeness with famous images of his wife, Eleanor. Detroit based photographer John Beavers has explored the same territory as Callahan, creating some really beautiful portraits. I find it interesting that both photographers, and many others like them, are able to create so many fantastic images of one person. More of John's work can be found here.

e enjte, 26 korrik 2007
Showcase: Ben Huff
e mërkurë, 25 korrik 2007
Compare/Contrast- Rob Huebel
As previously mentioned, based on Douglas Ljungkvist's work, the landscape of Brooklyn and that of Detroit seemingly has some visual similarities, as well as common physical attributes. Detroit based photographer Rob Huebel has explored the down-river area of Zug island its surroundings, aiming to show the closeness of people living near these highly-industrialized areas. Rob can be reached at robhuebel@gmail.com.

e hënë, 23 korrik 2007
Relative Closeness @ MoCP
A show entitled Relative Closeness: Photographs of Family and Friends, is going on until August 8th at Museum of Contemporary Photography in Chicago. It features work from a great bunch of photographers, including Harry Callahan, which I somehow never knew, and recently discovered is a Detroiter and attended MSU. A link to the show and museum here.

Ryan McGinley everywhere.
Showcase: Douglas Ljungkvist
Douglas has submitted his work all the way from Brooklyn. I find it interesting that his urban landscape work, below, has such an obvious visual connection to Detroit. Douglas can be found here, which has plenty more work similar to the selection here. In addition, a statement can be found below the images.

As an urban landscape photographer, I am interested in the vernacular landscape and areas of transition in Brooklyn. Seldom do I feature people in this project as I like to strip scenes to their core. Most people will never visit the areas I shoot in until the transition is complete. Therefore the project takes on a secondary function as documenting the now for the future.
My goal is to create images where the sum is greater than the parts and light plays a key role. I want a viewer to instantly find the work beautiful. But once they start to analyze it, they will notice that it consists of mostly ugly parts. I call this 'Beautiful Ugliness'.
With the rapid urban renewal a.k.a. Gentrification, Brooklyn has become my muse.

As an urban landscape photographer, I am interested in the vernacular landscape and areas of transition in Brooklyn. Seldom do I feature people in this project as I like to strip scenes to their core. Most people will never visit the areas I shoot in until the transition is complete. Therefore the project takes on a secondary function as documenting the now for the future.
My goal is to create images where the sum is greater than the parts and light plays a key role. I want a viewer to instantly find the work beautiful. But once they start to analyze it, they will notice that it consists of mostly ugly parts. I call this 'Beautiful Ugliness'.
With the rapid urban renewal a.k.a. Gentrification, Brooklyn has become my muse.
e enjte, 19 korrik 2007
Click Chic
SVA has a great show coming up, and is focused on the exact idea I mentioned in the previous post, the idea of fine art and commercial work no longer having clear lines drawn between the two. Fashion photography is finally be recognized as being valid. A link to the site for the show is here

Interview and Compare/Contrast: Takashi Yasumura
Takashi Yasumura's work is another example of still life and simplicity working so well together. I'm such a huge fan of simplicity in any photograph. Takashi Yasumura is represented by Yossi Milo gallery, and this interview here
is an interesting look at why Milo was drawn to Yasumura's work. It also has a link with "more pictures". I could not find a site for Yasumura, but Yossi Milo's site is here. Another aspect I find interesting about Yasumura's photographs is that they are perfect examples of breaking the commercial/fine-art boundaries. Equally as successful as an advertisement or on a gallery wall, Yasumura seems to be a great example of how many photographers, (ie Nan Goldin, Phillip Lorca Di Corcia, Cindy Sherman and David LaChapelle to name a few), are using their "fine art" techniques in advertising and editorial work.

is an interesting look at why Milo was drawn to Yasumura's work. It also has a link with "more pictures". I could not find a site for Yasumura, but Yossi Milo's site is here. Another aspect I find interesting about Yasumura's photographs is that they are perfect examples of breaking the commercial/fine-art boundaries. Equally as successful as an advertisement or on a gallery wall, Yasumura seems to be a great example of how many photographers, (ie Nan Goldin, Phillip Lorca Di Corcia, Cindy Sherman and David LaChapelle to name a few), are using their "fine art" techniques in advertising and editorial work.

Showcase: Lauren Montgomery
Lauren is going to be a Senior at CCS this year, and this series below, is a perfect example of simplicity working so wonderfully well, particularly in still lifes. The color palette, simple differences in texture and focal point placement all work together quite well. Lauren can be reached @ pinkbathwater18@hotmail.com.

Friends in the Blog World
Thanks to Shawn Gust for linking to White Wall! Also thanks to everyone that has submitted and spread the word about the WWC. Great things have been happening!
e martë, 17 korrik 2007
Keith Hair Day
I could go on and on about how this blog here is an interesting example of media's role in a society obsessed with connection and immediacy. How the addition of built in cameras in computers have forever changed the myspace profile picture genre and how we use technology to portray a certain image of ourselves onto the world.
However I'm not. Instead, you should just go here, and pack your sense of humor for the ride. Because its not about any of that stuff I just talked about.
However I'm not. Instead, you should just go here, and pack your sense of humor for the ride. Because its not about any of that stuff I just talked about.
Compare/Contrast- Johan Rosenmunthe
Johan Rosenmunthe may be one of my all time favorite artists. I think the way he and Cyrus work, below, to be similar; manipulating negatives and the image, working generally with photographs that have a vintage or dated feel, etc. However I feel that the intent is somewhat different as well as the outcome. Both people have found a great way of creating an interesting texture and feel in their work. Johan works with a negatives of his grandfathers, all of which can be read in his statement at his site here.

e hënë, 16 korrik 2007
New Studio Spaces @ RIC
With over 80 artists on our campus, we needed more studio space. We have just finished 14 new studios that are 1000 square feet plus for 600 dollars a month and a 600 dollar security deposit. Come join the biggest and fastest growing art collective this side of Woodward.
High ceilings
Excellent Power
24 hour access For more information call Eric at 313 363 8333
24 hour security
and ample parking
1200 dollars moves you in
OH and if you haven't heard on SEPT 15 '07 we are going to have the first ever PEOPLE's ARTS FESTIVAL
at Russell Industrial Center. It is free outside exhibition space for all visual artists, email rffinfo07@gmail.com to see about signing up. We will have two music/peformance venues and food, beer (inexpensive pricing) and a Film theatre.
This event is brought to you by the tenants of RUSSELL Industrial Center and Real Detroit WEEKLY
High ceilings
Excellent Power
24 hour access For more information call Eric at 313 363 8333
24 hour security
and ample parking
1200 dollars moves you in
OH and if you haven't heard on SEPT 15 '07 we are going to have the first ever PEOPLE's ARTS FESTIVAL
at Russell Industrial Center. It is free outside exhibition space for all visual artists, email rffinfo07@gmail.com to see about signing up. We will have two music/peformance venues and food, beer (inexpensive pricing) and a Film theatre.
This event is brought to you by the tenants of RUSSELL Industrial Center and Real Detroit WEEKLY
Showcase: Cyrus Karimipour

Cyrus is a recent Cranbrook grad and has a whole slew of shows under his belt. His site is here, and includes many more images from this series above, as well as some great work in a separate body of work.
e enjte, 12 korrik 2007
Next Wednesday @ MOCAD
Wednesday, July 18 at 6pm
What is it that moves people from the realm of viewer to that of collector? This event will feature discussions with several local collectors to learn how they make decisions on their art, their patterns and perspectives on art collecting.
Presenters will include: Marc Schwartz, Burt Aaron, George N'Namdi, and Sharon Zimmerman. Moderated by Dick Goody.
What is it that moves people from the realm of viewer to that of collector? This event will feature discussions with several local collectors to learn how they make decisions on their art, their patterns and perspectives on art collecting.
Presenters will include: Marc Schwartz, Burt Aaron, George N'Namdi, and Sharon Zimmerman. Moderated by Dick Goody.
Compare/Contrast- Shawn Gust

Shawn Gust has a blog with regular photo updates here. Not only does he have some really fantastic imagery, he appears to shoot a lot, and in a way similar to Crystal. His use of natural light is fantastic, much like Crystals, and his documentation of his life is a testament to the desire to want to capture everyday moments in photographs.
e mërkurë, 11 korrik 2007
Friday with HATCH

This is a note to remind everybody that Hatch will be hosting an
artists reception this Friday, July 13, 6 pm -9 pm at Cafe 1923, 2287
We'll be winding down our Exquisite Corpse exhibit, which was
literally pieced together by numerous local artists. Come help us
celebrate this successful show with refreshments and entertainment.
We'll have sidewalk chalk on hand so you can join in the fun and help
make more corpses in front of the cafe! There will also be copies of
the official Hatch Exquisite Corpse flip book on hand -- plus info on
how to purchase one of your own!
Help us promote the event! Post cards are back from the printer and
there's a big stash of them at the Cafe in the Official Hatch Drawer
(up at the counter, where we keep the calendar). If you're in the
vicinity, please grab some post cards and distribute where you can.
See you Friday!
Showcase: Crystal Carrow
Crystal works in a "visual diary" style, exploring the personal connections and relationships in her everyday life, as well as the everyday moments, objects and scenes in general. As always, her statement below can tell more of a tale than I can, however a notation of beautiful use of natural light I find to be important. Crystal can be reached at ccarrow@ccscad.edu.

The human need for social interaction and intimacy is inherent in any
personal life. Our culture is infused with technology that attempts
to aid in this need. Cell phones, email, and Myspace are all means of
communication that have been created so that people can feel close to
loved ones, even when they are miles apart. There seems to be constant
technological advances that have the potential to connect people n an
instant, yet it is not enough to fulfill our need for real human
connection. So how do people come together in a society that is
consumed with technology? Birthday parties, holidays, mealtime, social
drinking, and even photography are all rituals that are used so that
moments can be shared between individuals. In photographing my friends
and family in an inspection of the basic human need for connection, I
began to recognize these rituals, and how they affect our everyday
lives. By turning the camera on my family, friends, and self, I am
welcoming the viewer into a personal space, which is sometimes mundane,
but ultimately very intimate. Through this process my goal is to
create images that people can connect with, as they may echo moments in their
own lives.

The human need for social interaction and intimacy is inherent in any
personal life. Our culture is infused with technology that attempts
to aid in this need. Cell phones, email, and Myspace are all means of
communication that have been created so that people can feel close to
loved ones, even when they are miles apart. There seems to be constant
technological advances that have the potential to connect people n an
instant, yet it is not enough to fulfill our need for real human
connection. So how do people come together in a society that is
consumed with technology? Birthday parties, holidays, mealtime, social
drinking, and even photography are all rituals that are used so that
moments can be shared between individuals. In photographing my friends
and family in an inspection of the basic human need for connection, I
began to recognize these rituals, and how they affect our everyday
lives. By turning the camera on my family, friends, and self, I am
welcoming the viewer into a personal space, which is sometimes mundane,
but ultimately very intimate. Through this process my goal is to
create images that people can connect with, as they may echo moments in their
own lives.
e martë, 10 korrik 2007
Compare/Contrast- Juho Kuva
Juho Kuva works in both portraits, landscapes and the merger of both. I really cannot express how amazingly rich and great his work is. I will let it speak for itself, however I find the way Melanie works with both portraits and landscapes to have some similar ideas of human connection to their surroundings, the vast open landscape, and really honest portraiture, that Juho Kuva works with as well. His site is here.

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